There are many ways for you to join the fun! First of all reserve the date, October 7-9, 2016, and watch THIS page for updates. You can also join our FACEBOOK group .

We need YOU! to make this event a success! Help support the particiapting artists (many who travel thousands of miles to exhibit their ArtCars in the Bay Area) by donating food, beverages, gas money, and/or lodging help. We are part of Art Car World (which is a non-profit) so your donations are tax deductible!

Join the team of artists, and art lovers, who produce the ArtCar Fest. WE WANT YOU! to join our twenty-year-long tradition of rolling amazing art around the SF Bay Area! Help us put out the word, stage an event, run errands, host out-of-town-artists, help with logistical needs, such as event set up, cooking, clean-up, etc. WE WANT YOU! Volunteer to help HERE!

If your company would like to support ArtCar Fest please see our sponsor page, or contact Darrick Servis (darrick[at] for more information.

We'd love to bring ArtCar Fest to YOUR town. We can visit schools, workplaces, hospitals, retirement homes, or any other place you would like brightened by our flexible, mobile, art exhibit. Please contact Harrod Blank to arrange a visit!